Be one of our proof readers
A proof reader checks all materials to be printed or published online by our campaign teams
We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated supporters that can help deliver our message to residents across the Aylesbury Constituency.
Our volunteers do all kinds of activities for us, ranging from walking the streets delivering leaflets, talking to residents on the doorstep, to doing admin work like stuffing envelopes, running our print office or managing our email, website or social media.
If you have experience or interest in any of the roles below, please complete the volunteer form and we'll get in touch to help you get involved.
The following are just SOME of the roles that our volunteers can help with
A proof reader checks all materials to be printed or published online by our campaign teams
A leaflet deliverer is normally designated a specific area or street - usually around 60 doors or about half an hours work. Some choose to do more.
As a content administrator you would receive stories and photos from councillors or campaign teams to upload on this website for the web manager to approve and publish.
The wholesalers help bundle up the leaflets so they can be distributed to our volunteer deliverers. This is an easy role to do at home. Distribution can be done by someone else if you only have time to bundle.
Our coordinator will need to focus on setting up our new small scale fundraising club as well as coordinating fundraising efforts at our social events.
A Leaflet Delivery Volunteer Manager is responsible for growing and maintaining our network of deliverers and wholesellers and will mostly work with the membership development officer and the ward teams.